About Me
Hello there!

I am Adv. Dr. Subhash Ankush Aroskar

  • Family Court Advocate

  • VP of BJP Kokan Vikas Aghadi

  • Former Chief Manager at ONGC
    (Logistics & Legal)

  • Reiki Grand Master

  • Child Care Counsellor

  • Certified Patanjali Yoga Teacher

  • Supreme Estate Advisor

  • Ph.D Guide

  • Police Times Resident Editor

  • Film Producer

Along with holding these titles, I am a family man too, a grateful Husband, a Proud Father, and a Grand-Father.

I feel that life is a beautiful journey and we should keep learning and growing. I have pursued many degrees & certifications throughout, and My passion for learning is still of a younger age. Following my interest in cultural activities had also produced a Bombay War Hindi Movie in 1990 which was screened in 12 theaters in Mumbai.

I was recognized by newspaper organizations for completing a doctorate and Ph.d., Ph.D. GUIDE, Being a believer of Sadguru Shri Vamanrao Pai and my love for learning became a grounding philosophy in my life and whenever possible I also strive to use my knowledge to provide guidance & healthy advice.

The purpose of this website is to publish my professional services. I Would like to emphasize the importance of education and keep upskilling yourself.

I wish to motivate people if I can do it, you can too!

Testimonials from the Heart: Stories of Family Love

Hello dear readers,

Dr. Subhash Ankush Aroskar (my husband) is very social and always ready to help the people in need and sometimes he also goes beyond the limits in order to do so.

He is an optimist and tough. Situations or challenges don't let him down. He breathes a sigh of relief only after accomplishing his task and until then he just strives and strives and strives.

When I was going through a tough phase of professional life he helped me and supported me in every aspect of life. Even after my retirement he always encouraged me to keep myself engaged in some positive productive activities other than the household chores.

I am really fortunate to have him in my life and would like to thank him for what he is.

Supriya Subhash Aroskar

About Me

Hello everyone,

It is very difficult for me to write about my father in a few lines. I can probably write a book of never-ending pages on him.

He has always encouraged and supported me in every aspect of life. He was the one who dreamt and believed that I can one day become a successful doctor.

Like a true friend, he always listened to me and my problems in life and gave his valuable suggestions wherever required.

I am also very proud of the fact that he completely quit the consumption of alcohol. Once upon a time, he was a 'more than occasional drinker'. Now he motivates people, "not to drink alcohol and to quit its consumption" as he has himself set an example that quitting might be difficult but is definitely possible.

I am grateful to both my parents for every sacrifice that they made in order to brighten our future.

Best Regards,
Dr. Gaurav subhash Aroskar, Dr. Baby Rajkhowa Aroskar - GERMANY

About Me

Hello dear readers,

My father-in-law is a very educated man with an always smiling face.

He loves to travel, listening to music, helping people in all possible ways.

After marriage, it's not always easy for a woman to continue her life in the same old way she used to live. Of course, I knew my responsibilities towards my new family and respected my in-laws for who they are. I have never said this but I have always noticed their efforts to make me comfortable in my new sweet home.

Can't thank enough for the support and guidance that Me and Gaurav got from my in-laws.

Best Regards,
Dr. Baby Rajkhowa Aroskar

About Me

My father, What can I say about him? He has been there for me always.

I feel stronger when he is around. Cannot imagine life without him. He was there when I needed emotional support. Financially too, he has never let the family down. Many times, it is just his presence that matters the most & he has been there when it mattered. At times when me & my brother had made mistakes during childhood, he always used to patiently explain to us what is good/correct. I do not remember a moment when he lost his temper & beaten us.

My dad has helped many people to get some or other kind of Job. So many young kids frustrated with their studies used to come to him asking to help them to get some job but he had always motivated such people to continue their studies & assured them that all will be good & there is no substitute for hard work. I have also become an Engineer because it was his wish else, I would have been a commerce graduate.

He is a leader, a motivator. A man with many dreams. Age is just a number for him. Someone who cannot rest who would like to experience a variety of fields in his life.

My dad is the best.

Love from
Vaibhav, Shrushti, Khushi Aroskar

My Testimonials

What they are talking about
